Eternally Beautiful Subjective Abstract Art

London Art Gallery
Affectionate Lady – abstract art

Beauty in art is eternally subjective.

The above painting is not just a thing of beauty, it is a grand masterpiece in its own right.

Why would we say such a thing?

Study the painting yourself and make up your own mind.

Carefully view the painting and take in the whole depiction, then view it carefully at certain points.

Very soon it will strike you just how fantastic this wonderful piece of art really is.

Beauty is much more than cosmetic: it is not just about prettiness.

There are plenty of pretty pictures available at the neighbourhood home furnishing store; but these we might not refer to as beautiful; and it is not difficult to find works of artistic expression that we might agree are beautiful that are not necessarily pretty.

Beauty is rather a measure of affect, a measure of emotion.

In the context of art, beauty is the gauge of successful communication between participants – the conveyance of a concept between the artist and the viewer.

Beautiful art is successful in portraying the artist’s most profound intended emotions, the desired concepts, whether they be pretty and bright, or dark and sinister.

But neither the artist nor the observer can be certain of successful communication in the end.

So beauty in art is eternally subjective.

We move through developmental cycles much like the stages of human development.

In the beginning, there’s mirroring.

We soak up the works of the masters and of artists we admire and reflect it back in our art much like a baby and mother.

We learn techniques and how to use various tools.

At first it feels awkward but eventually we begin to create marks and paint passages with facility.

We study the vocabulary of composition and colour theory.

We begin to speak a new language.

We explore value patterns much as children discover their shadows.

We become increasingly facile with rendering and replicating what we see before us, whether it’s a figure, landscape, still life or the work of a masterful painter.

But one day, this isn’t enough. One day, it’s no longer gratifying. One day, like a teenagerl, we grow bored.

Art is something we do, a verb.

Art is an expression of our thoughts, emotions, intuitions, and desires, but it is even more personal than that: it’s about sharing the way we experience the world, which for many is an extension of personality.

It is the communication of intimate concepts that cannot be faithfully portrayed by words alone. And because words alone are not enough, we must find some other vehicle to carry our intent.

But the content that we cast upon or in our chosen media is not in itself the art.

Art is to be found in how the media is used, the way in which the content is expressed.

Artists are those who create much more than those oil, charcoal, or acrylics hanging on the wall – they’re musicians, poets, photographers, even those who dabble in web design or creating inspiring spaces in homes.

Creativity is a quality not found in everyone, one that’s difficult to understand for those who feel like they don’t have a creative bone in their bodies.

So, what exactly does turn an artist on in terms of the creative process?

Being creative requires something that may be best described as a “flexibility of mind.” Studies over the years have proven that those who are more creative than most are usually free spirits, those who are less inhibited or controlled but love spontaneity and expressing their emotions or feelings.

2 thoughts on “Eternally Beautiful Subjective Abstract Art

  1. I’m an art student at Oxbridge. I have seen many amazing bizarre paintings and drawings over the web, but i have to say that this painting is the most spooky and freaky painting i ever saw. It gives me the shivers to be honest. It is almost occultist and very suggestive of dark forces. There are many hidden things in this painting that jump out at you when you study it closely. It’s very scary and very strange. But it’s a wonderful piece of art. It’s also like 3D. It really is most bizarre.


  2. I find your art fascinating and extraordinary to say the least.
    Just how it can be described escapes me. How could you possibly pin down exactly what it is you create.
    What i can say with all truthfulness is that i believe that your art just happens. I believe you just do it and have no idea yourself what you create or where it comes from.
    That in my view makes your art fascinating and extraordinary.
    Just looking at it makes that fact exceptionally clear to anybody viewing.


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