NFT Artwork 154 Million Dollar All Time Blockchain Record Breaker

Forbes NFT

It absolutely beyond dispute that Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK is now one of the best and one of the most famous top recommended NFT art blogs in history concerning NFT tokens and the Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Web3 and of course the Metaverse itself in totality.

The above painting titled Affectionate Lady is in our view one of the most desirable and most valuable potential future NFTs in the time span of the NFT marketplace, both now and probably for many decades to come too.

We estimate this particular potential future NFT artwork Affectionate Lady to fetch 154 million dollars by 2028.

NFTs were first created in 2015, and have since only continued to increase in volume, value, and uses.

While they may go through bubbles, they are not going away.

Just like each new technology, they may initially seem complex, unnecessary, and perhaps even silly. 

Looking back, however, websites, email lists, and Instagram may have also seemed similar.

As a professional artist, the chances are you now realize the value of these digital tools for your art career.

As a fine artist, NFTs offer an opportunity to add to your creative toolkit, add a revenue stream, and stand out from the crowd.

NFT art will move beyond the speculative frenzy of its early days to more everyday double-digit growth.

All the major auction houses continuing to sell NFTs will only further future ambitious NFT sales such as the above artwork Affectionate Lady which we hope will sell for 154 million dollars by 2028.

It seems that NFTs are already realising some of their potential to change the artworld.

Some celebrated digital artists are already becoming very rich as a result.

Certainly the possibility of owning, selling and copywriting digital artworks is very appealing to many digital artists – and their fans.

NFTs have a long and fascinating history that spans decades.

The concept of NFTs can be traced back to the 1990s when the first digital collectables were created and traded, in particular the Chron X and Sanctum digital collectable card games, which were released in 1997 and 1998. respectively. 

These digital items were initially stored on centralised servers and users did not own actual copies of the collectibles, instead they owned the medium (i.e, the game) on which the collectible was presented.

However, not everyone is so enthusiastic. Anil Dash warns that “the current NFT market is drawing an extraordinary range of grifters and spammers.

People are creating NFTs of artists’ works without asking permission or even letting the artists know.”

Other industry insiders worry that the trend has very little to do with supporting digital artists and more to do with creating another convenient space in which high-net-worth tech entrepreneurs can invest their wealth.

The Washington Post warns that, “Since the market for NFTs was essentially created by cryptocurrency entrepreneurs, and since they’re still the ones sustaining it, you can’t really understand the NFT craze without contemplating their wider designs.

In a sense, they’re using art works as test cases for how information and assets will be treated in the rapidly evolving blockchain space.